Why you should learn to say no!

Devanshu Bisht
2 min readMar 11, 2021

Ever wondered why you said yes to a person when you wanted to say ‘no’, leaving your priorities behind and regretting moments later.

Helping people is good but saying ‘yes’ every time might make people take advantage of you. Empathetic people are more like to go through this common problem to not hurt other people’s feelings.

How saying no helps you in life :

Saves your time

It gives you more time for things you care about, when you have got enough time, you can prioritize your tasks and get them done on time, which saves energy and one can give extra time to their family, personal project, etc.

People will start to value you more

When you are always available for people, they might take you for granted. Saying no will have an impact that you value your time, work and keep it on first priority. Saying no upfront will save yours as well as others' time rather than beating around the bush.

Makes you more confident

Knowing when to say yes and when to say ‘no’ is very important, it shows you are clear about your priority and what you want from life. Knowing that you value your life over other things will make you more confident and boost your self-esteem.

Makes time for opportunities

When you say yes to everything you will have a lot on your plate and when you will get a good opportunity you wouldn’t be able to say yes even if you want to.

Saying yes to a thing is as same as saying no to another thing.

Saying NO in the correct way is a very important and powerful skill to add value to one’s life. Learn to say ‘No’ now!



Devanshu Bisht

Animation student who writes sometimes and is crazy about productivity sometimes.